Friday, August 9, 2013

Yellow Duck Week (21 Months)

Yellow duck, yellow duck... what do you see?  I have to admit, by mid-week I was ready for yellow week to end... must just not be my color ;)
In all seriousness, we had a great week exploring the cheery yellow color and our quacking, web-footed friend, the duck. Mr. Little Man was quick to spot the color while out and about and seems to have embraced this whole TS adventure we are on.  Which makes me want to stay up late and find new "lessons" for our upcoming themes.  This TS thing is addicting.
Here are some of our lessons from the week:
We did our weekly coloring book picture. He had fun using various yellow markers and crayons. He jumped from one to the next holding each one in his tiny little hand as he looked quite seriously at the empty black and white duck on the page... then he'd carefully "create his masterpiece".

Another day we took a walk outside and looked for ducks along the water.  We ended up seeing only seagulls... (close enough?)  On the way home LM found some sweet smelling yellow flower

Mid week we played with yellow play dough (an all time favorite) an even added a paper towel roll.  This became a tunnel, a rolling pin, a cookie cutter and eventually a drum stick.  This is a great example of the mind of a toddler... TS is so fun for him and so fun for me to watch him explore, in ways I never could have guessed he would. 
By far the most exciting thing we have done was gather a bunch of yellow items and put them in a container.  Seem simple?  Let me back up... I had gathered these items from his playroom the night before Yellow Duck week began.  I put them in the bucket to keep them all in one place and planned to use them as a tot school lesson at some point that week.  Well, if you choose a bucket your toddler can get in... plan on him doing that. He rode in that bucket, along all the yellow items, all week long. He pushed it, pulled it and spun it around. It was definitely NOT about the yellow but ALL about the bucket. He smiled for every minute that he played with this "lesson" though...

We explored some yellow big bird stickers (close enough, again :))

Played with our felt board...

We also tried a matching game I had found on Pinterest (this is not my original matching game... I found it on the 1+1+1=1's blog).  Mr. Little Man was not very interested in this game... not even interested in the pictures, the cards, nothing.  We spent about 30 seconds on this Tot School tray... I filed these adorable cards away and will try again in a few weeks.

Some other fun things:Yellow Chalk on our chalkboard table...

Yellow dried pasta into and out of holes made in a coffee canister...

Yellow truck books galore!

Besides BBBBWDYS, here are just some other books we read this week:
F.Watt & R. Wells's "That's not my bunny..."
Matthew Van Fleet's "Fuzzy Yellow Ducklings"
Richard Scarry's "Egg in the Hole"
Priddy Books' "Slide & Find Trucks"
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1 comment:

  1. The pasta is a great idea for the color yellow!! And thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment!
